About the Editor

Kyla Trinidad ‘26

Dear readers,

It has been an absolute pleasure to be this year’s Editor-in-Chief for the Global Education Office’s online publication of 4Corners! The purpose of this publication is to highlight the importance of international education and the benefits of going beyond Washington College. I hope you have grown, and will continue to expand, your global perspective through the diverse stories of our international students, study abroad returnees, faculty, and alumni.

Happy reading!

Hometown: Mangilao, Guam

Majors/Minor: International Studies & Political Science; Justice, Law, and Society

Kyla has worked closely with the Global Education Office since the beginning of her freshman year as a student worker, an International Student Guide, and current Editor-in-Chief of the 4Corners Publication. Kyla is studying abroad at Bond University in Australia for the fall 2024 semester, with the intent of a second semester at another institution.

Contact Kyla at ktrinidad2@washcoll.edu